"Oh, Miss Cuthbert, did you really say that perhaps you would let me stay at Green Gables? Did you really say it? Or did I only imagine that you did?" |
"I've never belonged to anyone before, but now I am Anne of Green Gables. And oh, it's a million times nicer to be Anne of Green Gables than Anne of nowhere in particular, isn't it?" |
"Mind, Matthew, you're not to go interfering. Perhaps an old maid doesn't know much about bringing up a child, but I guess she knows more than an old bachelor." |
"What do you do, Marilla, when you meet with an irresistible temptation?" |
"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it?" |
"You see before you a perfectly happy person...in spite of my red hair. Just at present I have a soul above red hair." |
"What is Diana like? Her hair isn't red, is it? It's bad enough to have red hair myself, but I positively couldn't endure it in a bosom friend!" |
"You'd be excited too if you were going to meet the girl you hoped to be your bosom friend and whose mother mightn't like you." |
"I solemnly swear to be faithful to my bosom friend, Diana Barry, as long as the sun and the moon shall endure." |
"That's Gilbert Blythe. He's awfully handsome, isn't he Anne? He just torments our lives out." |
"A strawberry apple and from Gilbert's orchard." |
"Rachel has a note for you, Anne." |
"You should see me run, Anne! I'm the fastest boy in the Primer class now." |
"I caught the best jumping frog in Avonlea! He's real big, and I named him after you, Anne!" |
"I consider it my duty to root out all evil passions from the hearts of small imperfect mortals." |
"Will you stop that sniveling and get back to your sums!" |
"Hey, Carrots! Carrots! I could do the multiplication tables by counting your freckles." |
"You mean, hateful boy! How dare you!" |
"Anne Shirley has a very bad temper. Anne Shirley must learn to control her temper." |
"Oh, please, don't make Anne sit next to Gilbert." |
"Anne jumped right outa her seat, upped with a slate, brought it down on Gilbert's head an' cracked it clear across." |
"I'm awfully sorry I made fun of your hair, Anne. Honest I am. Don't be mad at me for keeps." |
"I shall never be friends with you, Gilbert Blythe, and I don't want to be!" |
"Oh Diana, does your mother realize what it would mean to me to have my bosom friend torn asunder? My love for you is inextinguishable." |
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