"Mrs. Lynde says the grief fades from your heart in time, but it hasn't for me. Matthew's memory is deeply in there. I could never forget him." "I'm taking these flowers in memory of my mother. I can't go to her grave in America. But don't you think she'll know, just the same?" "Grandma says I look a lot like my mother. My eyes are the same color as father's, but his hair is grey. You see, he's nearly fifty. That's a ripe old age, isn't it?"
"Indeed you are gooder than you used to be. And I love my Davy just because he's Davy."
"I ain't going to say my prayers any more. I'm going to give up trying to be good, 'cause no matter how good I am you'd like Paul Irving better. So I might as well be bad and have the fun of it." "Dear Heavenly Father, I'm gooder than I used to be but not as good as Paul Irving, so please make me gooder, then Anne will like me as much. Your orphan, Davy."
"I'm thinking about asking Diana to marry me." "Anne's not ready to be part of my dreams, at least not yet. She's trying to make her own come true." "I mean to keep myself worthy of her friendship and perhaps, some distant day, her love. My hope...is that one day she'll come to understand, too. Time is on our side."
"I feel as if we were walking through an enchanted forest." "Miss Lavender is hardly a spellbound princess. She's an old maid, forty or more." "But I'm not expecting anybody. I just pretended I was going to have a tea party and company."
"They were engaged twenty five years ago, Marilla. They had a silly quarrel, and he went to America and never came back. She said she would rather be an old maid for a thousand years than marry anybody who wasn't Stephen Irving. Isn't that romantic?"
"And when she went away my sister Evelina came and she was Charlotta the Third...And when she left, I came and I'm the last one left, Charlotta the Fourth." "Paul Irving? Is he Stephen Irving's son?"
"Maybe I got out of the wrong side of bed. Milty Boulter says if you do that things are bound to go wrong. But which is the right side, Marilla? And what are you to do when your bed's against the wall?" "You're awful nice, Anne. Milty Boulter wrote on his slate today, 'Roses are red and vi'lets are blue, Sugar's sweet, and so are you.' That 'spresses my feelings ezackly."
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