"D'Artagnan was revived but not in time to take the same ship as Milady. When he did reach the Duke of Buckingham and retrieved the diamonds, two were found to be missing - stolen by the beautiful Milady de Winter - the very lady who had so devilishly tricked d'Aragnan and who had entertained Buckingham at the King's ball the night before. Within a day, new diamonds were made up and d'Artagnan sped back to Paris, where he arrived shortly before midnight the evening of the ball. Was he in time to save her Majesty?"
"I recommend a leave of absence for all your guards, your Eminence. We've noted of late how pale and weak they look."
"Madame, you are not wearing your diamond brooch and I commanded it. Do so, and at the quickest." "I feared, sire, in the midst of such a crowd, some accident might happen to it." "If the Queen returns with her diamonds, be sure to count all the studs, and if you find two missing, ask her Majesty who can have stolen the two that are here in this box."
"How, sire! You are giving me two more diamonds? But then I shall have fourteen!" "I am grateful to your Eminence knowing that these two studs have cost you even more dearly than all the others cost his Majesty." "It is my great desire that your young cadet d'Artagnan be elevated to a full fledged Musketeer in honor of my birthday."
"What say you, your Eminence?" "Her Majesty has indeed exceeded all of our expectations. As have your Musketeers, sire." "Long Live the Musketeers!"
"Long Live the Musketeers! All for one and one for all!"
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